Our Common Journey to East Africa
“Once the seed has been sown in one place, Jesus does not stay behind to explain things or to perform more signs; the Spirit moves him to go forth to other towns.”
(Pope Francis)
This is the story of the Pallottines of East Africa.
The missions of Tanzania and Kenya date back to Ireland’s missionary overflow, when the first Fathers arrived to then Tanganyika in 1940. They quickly extended their fervor into both urban and rural peripheries, propelled by local vocations. Soon, they expanded into Kenya in 1986, serving in the Archdiocese of Nairobi.
The Pallottines - known as the Society of the Catholic Apostolate - were founded by St. Vincent Pallotti, a Roman mystic in action. Based in Rome, it’s built up by the ecclesiastical structures of Provinces and Regions across 54 countries.
The missions of Tanzania and Kenya were a former delegature of the Society’s Irish Province, until they became the newest protagonists of their own Region; to be formally constructed on January 9, 2022. In line with the mission statement of our Founder, the goal is to revive faith and rekindle charity, and spread these virtues throughout all the world. As he says, the proof of love is in the deeds!
The Pallottines work in 9 vibrant parishes through the Tanzanian regions of Arusha, Manyara, and Singida. Each are in different parts of the country, and categorized by their distinct environmental landscapes. In Kenya, they serve in 2 parishes in the Archdiocese of Nairobi. Its formation houses, where young men are trained for religious life, are in 3 different places; a Postulancy house in Gallappo, a Philosophy House in Arusha, and a Theology House in Nairobi. Being based in Tanzania, the majority of the Society’s East African work is done there.
Tanzania’s Work Distinguished by Region
Arusha Region, Northeast
In Arusha, the capital of the Northeastern Region, the Pallottines minister in the St. Vincent Pallotti Parish (Esso), caring for the people’s spiritual needs. They run the Faraja Pallotti Center for Children with Special Needs, as well as a sports compound where the children and youth meet to play various games. They also conduct vocational programs to empower women and young people in computer skills, tailoring, and electrical engineering; helping the area’s needy children through a sponsorship program. The seminary is here in Njiro, and the land for sustainable development farming is continually being developed.
Manyara Region
Pallotti’s parish mission is the main apostolate in the Manyara Region; where members work in Magugu, Gallapo, Bashnet, Buoy, Nangwa, and Mogitu. The Formation House - the initial step for young men entering hte priesthood - is in Gallapo. As in Arusha, the land is used to grow food and supply it to the community at a subsidized price, as well as also employ a good number of people on their farms; thereby helping them earn a living. Gallapo is also the place where the Society’s dear members are laid to rest.
Singida Region
The action of the Singida Region is towards the deep interior villages, where they have nothing but faith. Members work in the Parishes of Makiungu, Siuyu, and Mwenge, as well as the Siuyu Rehabilitation Center; a home and educational institution for children with special needs. They also take care of the spiritual needs of the sick in the Makiungu Community Designated Hospital, with priests working as hospital chaplains.